Making a podcast is a fun and rewarding way to share your thoughts, stories, or knowledge with the world. But if you're new to podcasting, it can be easy to make some common mistakes that will ruin your episode and frustrate your listeners. In this blog post, we will discuss 10 recording tips for podcasts made at home. By following these simple tips, you'll be able to record great sounding episodes without any of the hassle!

Here are the top recording tips for podcasts made at home:
1 - Make sure you have a quiet, uninterrupted space to record in.
Background noise will be very noticeable in your podcast and can be quite off-putting for listeners. As any podcaster knows, recording in a quiet space is essential for producing high-quality audio. Even the slightest background noise can be amplified through your microphone and be quite distracting for listeners. For example, if you're recording in a room with hardwood floors, the sound of your footsteps will be amplified and will make it hard for listeners to focus on your content. Similarly, if you're recording in a coffee shop, the sound of people talking and the clinking of dishes will be picked up by your microphone and will interfere with your podcast. Therefore, it's important to find a quiet, uninterrupted space to record in so that you can produce the best possible audio for your listeners.
2 - Use a good quality microphone.
This is one of the most important pieces of equipment for recording a podcast. A cheap or poor quality microphone will make your episode sound amateurish and It will be difficult for listeners to hear what you're saying. Invest in a good quality microphone that will produce clear audio. The best podcast microphones such as the Sure SM7b is great at rejecting noise from behind the mic and also is very good at absorbing shock so any small bumps or movements won't come through on the recording.
3 - Use headphones while recording.
When it comes to recording a podcast at home, there are a few things to keep in mind in order to ensure that your audio is clean and clear. First, invest in a good pair of headphones. This will help you avoid picking up any unwanted background noise. Additionally, it's important to wear headphones while you're recording so that you can get a better idea of how your audio sounds. Doing a test recording before you start recording your podcast will also be helpful so that you can make sure that everything sounds the way that you want it to. By following these simple tips, you'll be sure to produce a high-quality podcast that your listeners will enjoy.
4 - Use a pop filter or microphone with one built in.
A pop filter is a small piece of mesh that goes over your microphone. It helps to reduce 'plosives', which are the little bursts of air that can sometimes be heard when you say words beginning with P's and B's. Pop filters are relatively cheap and easy to find, and they can make a big difference in the quality of your audio. Many modern podcast microphones have these built in but many don't Do some tests with words that have some plosives in the like 'pronounce' and 'protect' to see how it sounds. Plosive can be a real problem to get rid of in post so make sure you address this one. One other great technique to angle the mic so you are not talking directly into the front. this will mean the wind from plosives coming from your mouth will not be picked up as much.
5 - Make sure your recording levels are perfect.
So you're finally ready to start your very own podcast. You've got your equipment set up and you're ready to go. But before you hit record, there's one important thing you need to do: make sure your recording levels are perfect. Otherwise, your podcast is going to sound terrible.
There are a few things you need to keep in mind when setting your recording levels. First, you want to make sure the level is high enough so that you can be heard clearly, but not so high that it distorts. Second, you want to avoid clipping, which is what happens when the level is too high and the audio waveform gets cut off. Finally, you want to leave some headroom, which is a term for the space between the highest peak of the waveform and the zero line. Leaving some headroom will give your audio some breathing room and prevent it from sounding cramped and cluttered. Once you've got your levels set, hit record and start podcasting!
6 - Watch your breath and um's and ah's.
As any podcaster knows, recording at home can be a challenge. There are distractions all around, and it can be difficult to stay focused. One of the most important things to keep in mind when recording is your breath. Make sure to take breaks between sentences and take slow, deep breaths. This will help you project your voice and avoid becoming winded. Additionally, pay attention to the filler words you use, such as "um" and "ah." These can be distracting to listeners and make it difficult to follow along. If possible, try to edit them out in post-production. By taking these simple steps, you can ensure that your podcast sounds professional and engaging. By doing this you will save yourself a lot of time in editing!
7 - Be quiet when your guest is talking.
Voice is the most basic form of communication. When two people are talking, the person who is speaking is typically the one in control of the conversation. The listener can get involved by asking questions or making comments, but ultimately it is up to the person who is speaking to decide when the conversation ends. This power dynamic changes when a third person is involved. In a podcast interview, for example, the interviewer has a responsibility to both the guest and the audience. It is important to be respectful of the guest and let them speak, but at the same time, the interviewer needs to be aware of how their voice is affecting the conversation. If the interviewer talks too much, it can drown out the guest's voice and make it difficult for listeners to follow along. On the other hand, if the interviewer is too quiet, it can make the guest feel uncomfortable and cause them to clam up. The key is to strike a balance between being an active participant in the conversation and giving the guest room to speak. By doing so, you will ensure that both the guest and the audience have a positive experience.
8 - When you make a mistake, leave an audio cue to make it easy to find in editing.
As any podcaster knows, mistakes are inevitable. You might trip over your words, mispronounce a name, or lose your train of thought altogether. And while it's tempting to try to edit out these errors in post-production, doing so can often be more trouble than it's worth. Not to mention, it can disrupt the flow of the conversation and make your podcast sound stilted and artificial. A better solution is to simply leave an audio cue when you make a mistake. This could be anything from a short coughing fit to a bright "ding" sound. Then, when you're editing your podcast, you can quickly and easily find the mistake and decide whether or not to leave it in. By using this technique, you can avoid spending hours editing your podcast only to end up with an inferior product. So the next time you make a mistake on your podcast, don't sweat it - just leave an audio cue and move on.
9 - Keep your mouth well lubricated
There's nothing worse than a dry mouth when recording a podcast. Not only does it make you sound like you're constantly swallowing, but it can also lead to an unpleasant clicking noise whenever you move your jaw. The best way to avoid this is to keep your mouth well lubricated. A small sip of water every few minutes will help to keep your throat moist, and if you're really struggling, you can always try sucking on a lozenge or piece of hard candy. Just make sure you don't crinkle the wrapper too loudly!
10 - Record each person on a seperate channel
If you're thinking about starting a podcast, there's one important aspect of production that you need to keep in mind: recording each person on a separate channel. This may seem like a no-brainer, but you'd be surprised how many podcasters try to save time by recording everyone on the same channel. Trust me, it's not worth it. Recording each person on a separate channel gives you much more flexibility when it comes time to edit the audio. You'll be able to remove background noise, adjust levels, and even cut out individual words or phrases without affecting the other speakers. So save yourself some headaches down the line and make sure to record each person on a separate channel from the start. A great podcast recording device is the Rode Rodecaster. It is a multi channel recording device built specifically for podcasts and isn't super expensive.
And that's a wrap! 10 podcast recording tips to take your show from amateur hour to professional production. If you're ready to up your game and take your podcast to the next level, Beat Tank Productions is here to help. We're a podcast production studio in Melbourne's north eastern suburbs, and we can take care of everything from recording and editing to mastering and video capture. So if you're ready to make your mark on the world of podcasting, give us a call today. We'd be happy to turn your vision into reality.
I recorded my first podcast on a laptop and there was no built-in screen recorder. I read more articles on this topic on the Internet and chose a suitable way to record the screen for myself.
If I had read your article then, it would have been much easier for me to make my first podcast and avoid making a lot of mistakes!